Many corporate vulnerabilities are related to flawed or non-existent written company policies and procedures, particularly in relation to legislative compliance.  A comprehensive policy review and establishment of clear and concise operational procedures for routine HR issues can save time, money, and reduce risk.  Consistency of approach helps to your company from potential liability.  In addition, employee morale is strengthened when consistent policies and guidelines are in place to address employee issues or concerns.


Update Processes, Rduce Vulnerabilities, Forge Forward

Trinity Associates can assist your organization by reviewing policy and procedures for routine and non-routine HR issues.  Services include identifying areas of vulnerability and/or non-compliance, updating company policy and procedures, and developing policy and procedures for start-up companies.


Benefits of Trinity’s Policy and Procedures Services:

·          Promotion of managerial consistency 

·          Employee conflict prevention

·          Enhanced employee relations

·          Increase compliance in legislatively critical areas

·          Continuity of action through personnel changes


Employee Handbooks Review

Many clients engage Trinity to develop new and enhanced employee handbooks based when major changes are made to company policies and procedures.  This minimizes the potential for misunderstandings, employee conflict, and law suits.